Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The (Re)Birth of a Blogger...

It's been roughly six months since I last blogged regulary.  In some ways, I have missed blogging so much that I was tempted to just start back up again doing exactly what I was doing before.  But when I would pause, I realized that's not at all what I wanted.

So I waited.  And I prayed.  And I waited some more.

I had to reevaluate what I really enjoyed about blogging in the first place, then assess the time I would be able to give to a blog.  I didn't want to end up where I was when I stepped away six months ago - overwhelmed, overcommitted, undersatisfied, and seriously lacking a grasp on what matters most.

Here's the truth:
- I work full-time, spending 12 hours a day away from home.
- I have a husband that I adore.  He's my most favorite person in the world.
- I have a daughter that I adore, too.  She's my second favorite person in the world.
- We love to do things together, whether it's working in the yard, watching a movie, running errands, or taking a vacation.  As long as we're together, we're happy.

Six months ago, I was at a point in my life where none of those things mattered.  I blogged because I felt that I had built it up to a point where I just couldn't walk away.  I couldn't say "no" to a sponsored post.  I couldn't go to bed at a decent time because I just had to finish editing photos, making a craft, writing a post, scheduling social media posts, or any of the other bazillion and a half things on my never-ending to-do list.

But I did.  I walked away.  And, for a while, I didn't miss it at all.  It was such a relief to not have those committments anymore.

Time has passed, and I have felt the yearning to write again.  I feel the urging of my heart to just write, regardless of what it's about, or if anyone will even read it.

But this will be different.  This blogger is reborn.  I don't feel the need to follow the rules of blogging that state you should post 3-5 times per week, and share on all social media platforms, and stick to your niche, and put up sidebar ads, and write sponsored posts, and have a Pinterest-worthy photo, and on and on....

This time is different.  Vastly different.  And so much simpler.

It took six months for me to realize that it doesn't have to be so complicated to be enjoyable.  I just needed to get my head on straight, reevaluate my priorities, and figure out what I really want to share.

So let's get started, shall we?  Life happens here.


  1. Glad you're back, love reading your stuff! Also love that you're so real & honest! Family comes first, everything else will fall in place after that ��

  2. Good for you!! Looking forward to following you here!

  3. Glad you're back! There's no fun in doing something that doesn't bring you enjoyment or satisfaction. Congrats on your new outlook and new blog. :)

  4. I look forward to your new blog :-) maybe I will find inspiration through you to start up again too!

    1. Thanks Stephanie! I have to say, it's refreshing to just blog, without all the other stuff getting in the way. :)

  5. Good for you! It's hard to say no, but you really have to evaluate what you want to do and what your blog is going to be. I wish you the best of luck!

  6. Looking forward to seeing what you do with this space. Kudos to you for re-evaluating and realizing what you want and need. Hugs.

  7. Yay! Yay! Yay! So happy to see you blogging again, Kirsten! I think you were so wise to take the step away you did, challenging thought it was; it sounded like just what you needed to re-focus and re-prioritize. Looking forward to following along here at Sweet Tea and Saving Grace! (That name has such a nice ring to it.) Huge hug coming your way, lady!

    1. Lauren you are too good to me :) Thank you so much honey! Love you!

  8. I am glad you are back and I agree with your reassessment. I also took 6 months off and recently started writing again. I was so exhausted from trying to keep up with everything that I lost the joy in the process Looking forward to reading your new blog and love the name.

    1. Thank you Susanne! It really did a world of good to just "be". Nice to know it worked for you, too!

  9. you've come to a realization or place in yourself that not a lot of people get to... good luck!

  10. Yay! We missed you! Welcome back.
